MyDCIS Book Chapter Series 1

MyDCIS Book Chapter Series 1

Exploring Information Systems Research Boundaries (EISRB) – Series 1

Information System is associated to the fields of computer science, business and management, which strategically focuses on the design, deployment and impact of ICT to the individual, society and also businesses.

The diversified nature of IS has brought about the interactions between the technological system and the social system, hence fostering various interdisciplinary research to a wider perspective.

In Malaysia, the IS research community is led by the Malaysia Association for Information Systems (MyAIS), which is also one of the international chapters with the Association for Information Systems (AIS). AIS is an international, non-profit professional association that undertakes the mission to serve the society through the advancement of knowledge and the promotion of excellence in the practice and study of information systems. Another IS entity in Malaysia is the Information and Service Systems Innovation Research Group (ISSIRG) that consists of IS experts from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia this group’s mission is to be a leader in research and commercialization of innovative information and service system solutions for business, public and social purposes.

In promoting research and the knowledge sharing culture among the IS communities, MyAIS and ISSIRG have collaborated to organize the first Malaysia Doctoral Consortium for Information Systems on the 8th November 2018 at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Skudai, Johor. 8 research proposals have been received and all these proposals are now available online as a Book Chapter in the MyAIS website. This Book Chapter entitles “EXPLORING INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH BOUNDARIES (EISRB) – SERIES 1” serves as valuable insights to researchers and practitioners, as well as those who are interested in the IS domain to know the current IS research in Malaysia. The list of chapters are as follows:

Chapter Title Page
1 Collaborative Knowledge Management Best Practice (cKMBP) for Higher Learning Institution (HLI) 1 – 9
2 An Enhancement of Game Design Model for Developer Guidance Based on Eye Health Factor 10 – 17
3 The Adoption Model of Enterprise Architecture from Technology-Organisation-Environment Perspectives 18 – 26
4 Information Technology Disaster Recovery Process Improvement: An Agile Approach to Safeguard Lesson Learned 27 – 34
5 A Model to Measure of Information Security Compliance 35 – 41
6 PersuadeMe: Persuasive Game Design Model for Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation 42 – 49
7 Investigating the Crucial Factors Affecting the Social CRM Implementation and its Benefits in Iraqi 50 – 58
8 The Role of Employee Behavioral Streams on IS Artefact Towards Enhancing Organisational Resilience 59 – 67