Salam Maal Hijrah 1441
Selamat menyambut Maal Hijrah 1441 kepada semua ahli MyAIS
Selamat menyambut Maal Hijrah 1441 kepada semua ahli MyAIS
Selamat Hari Kebangsaan 2019 yang ke 62 kepada semua ahli MyAIS
MyAIS is one of the main sponsors for the National Tug-of-War Competition, which was won by SM Chung Hwa Miri Sarawak.
Our President is chairing RTD session on open data readiness in education sector in Malaysia that was held on the 19th of March 2019. The RTD will suggest open data policies to education ministry. The session organized by IVI UKM,…
MyAIS Exco Meeting Bil 2/2019, at ISIV UTMKL, 16 Feb 2019.